Last Friday night Buddy and I went out to eat, and on the way home Buddy told me to look up at the sky...that the clouds were a funny gray and appeared to be moving in a bizarre way. By the time I looked up it hit. The winds were so strong (we read winds were 70 mph) it felt lie the car was going to take flight. A transformer blew as we were at it and sparks and wires went flying. The tree branches were hitting our windshield, and we could hardly see. As we got to the Baptist church, I saw some cars with their lights. Buddy and I stopped, went into the church with others, and stayed there at least an hour. When the winds finally calmed down we drove the mile to our house and stumbled in. No lights or phones. Here are a few pictures.

As you exit the interstate, you turn left at these contribution to Lesley’s Signs, Signs. The wind had blown them over. This field made it without a loss of trees. One 200 year old tree in Stonewall Jackson Cemetery blew over, but fortunately it did not get the Stonewall tombs
We awakened to see 1/3 of the tree right beside our Bridge to Somewhere down. It was way too close to the bridge for comfort. We would have lost it or done serious damage if the entire tree had fallen.
The upper part of the tree consumed the creek.
In this picture you can see the part of the tree that split away.
After a week of cleaning and carrying away all of the parts of branches which had broken off and fallen into the creek, I am down to bits and pieces like these. It is still pretty messy but lots better than earlier this week.
As you can see here, the tree on the bank behind the house are now ON the roof. We have lots of cutting to do here. Gene and my Eloise are coming in this weekend to help. Eloise’s job is to be in charge of the sun screen,water, and to help her Baga (me) to clean up the rest of the creek.
Sorry about the blurry shot, but I was shooting through the windshield. You can still see the beautiful blue sky and all the cars.
Today a call went out for volunteers to go to the county high school to help hand out ice to people. Sorry about the blurry first shot, but I was shooting through the windshield and didn’t so a very good job. You can still see the beautiful blue sky and all the cars.Two tractor trailers full of ice were coming. I cannot tell you how hot it was out there this afternoon. It was a killer. Much of our county is still without electricity or phones, and being without electricity means no water. This was a non-discriminating vicious storm that hit us and the rest of the country. It took out rich and poor alike. Parts of the city of Lexington are still without everything, and much of the county is a long ways from being restored to normal. Now, they are talking about Saturday. Thank heavens we were among the lucky ones. Everything was restored to us by Sunday except for internet, and we just got that today.
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