Once again it is time for Tom the Backroads Traveler's Barn Collective. Please join him with your pictures of barns you have seen and photographed. This is such a special little meme with all varieties and sizes of barns old and new...and even some that are falling down.
This barn sits across the road from us. It was owned by the Knick family who built our house...the one you all saw in the vintage picture I posted a while back. Larry had serious heart disease plus advanced diabetes but continued to live as our neighbor after a heart transplant for around 15 years. He was such a dear friend to Bud and me, and every time I got myself in a jam he would come and bail me out. I would get the riding mower hung up on a rock time and time again, and I was always trying to move furniture getting it stuck or turning it over. I didn't call Ghostbusters, though...I called Larry, and he came ASAP. The last thing he did was put me up a new mailbox with his grandson helping him. After he passed away the house sat empty for a long time, and then the remaining brothers and his widow sold it to the Zollman family. They have re-roofed the barn, added the quilt painting to the top, and moved in a little outbuilding. We miss out dear friend, but it is so nice to have someone living in the little green house once again.

Mr. Zollman usually has his white truck parked horizontally in from of the barn which made taking a picture of the new quilt addition not very nice. Then....one day I was coming home and I hit the jackpot...a sunny beautiful day, my iPhone with me, and no white truck.
I cropped the shot down as much as I could so you could see the little quilt square.
I have always wanted a quilt block on our barn, so to have one across the road make me a very happy country girl. Maybe one day I will get one here. That would be icing on the cake.