(I am assuming this sign meant to stop in for a drink and food before starting on our hike.)
Not having ever been to this area, and not knowing a thing about reading a hikers’s guide book and maps, the best I can do is post these unbelievable photos with little bits of info Buddy gives me over the home. I jot down what he is saying on post-its, and then I do back and try my best to put it all together so it makes some semblance of sense to me and all of you who have so faithfully followed his hike. I cannot begin to tell each one of you what your kind thoughts and words have meant to both of us...a wonderful extended family is what y’all have been. I can tell you without any hesitation he is loving every second of his hike no matter how difficult it has been, and his iPhone and the wonderful Vermont people who have hauled his pack about for him have been his saviors. He tells me these wonderful folk are truly the salt of the earth. Most will take no money...they only ask that he make a contribution the the Green Mountain Fund for the care of the Long Trail. This is that good part of America we so seldom get to hear about.

Taft Lodge at Mount Mansfield ~ approximately 4,300 feet...the Lodge is a bit lower in elevation
Clouds atop Mount Mansfield
Taft Lodge about 1/2 mile from summit of Mount Mansfield
Bring on the winter gear.....
Priority Mail my fleece and wool cap ASAP. I am really getting cold.
Update for Saturday, August 13, 2001
Thank heavens for the ladders....a lot of rebar was used in many of them. Buddy was SO thankful all he had on him was his daypack + his 2 hiking sticks. He said there were lots more of these ladders than he would ever have imagined. Thanks goodness these ups and downs are behind him...Oh, Hallelulujah!
All I want for Sunday is to get it better than today...sept by step, one by one...
...and there were plants and rocks, and birds, and things....
The Blair Witch, maybe????????
Looking back at Mount Mansfield
Just another beautiful Saturday view...
...and another beautiful Saturday view...
...and one final beautiful Saturday view...
I think that after tonight he will be back out of range and staying in the lean-to shelters on the trail, but I will keep you posted on his progress when he is able to send photos. He did tell me he was about 80 miles from the Canadian border, but in terms of walking he has another week. He hopes to finish next Monday and then have the rest of that week to take day hikes from Killington, VT, and possibly go into Canada for a day and night. Thank goodness the old passport is in the backpack! I really do want him to come back home.Many. many thanks to all of you who have been following him and sending such wonderful words of encouragement.
This post is linked with Shadow Shot Sunday, and once again, the photos were all taken with Buddy’s iPhone, SOOC, while hiking the Long Trail from Vermont to the Canadian Border.