

Friday, February 28, 2014

Crazy Chicken Checkerboard Quilt

Well, I got the quilt completely pieced and to Sandy yesterday afternoon for her to long arm quilt it. She called this afternoon to tell me it was done so here you have it. The quilting looks like a puzzle. T’is a shame I cannot go outside and hang it on the square foot garden fence, but it is just too darn long. The floor will have to do. The finished size is 64” X 74”, and all I have left to do is sew on the binding and WASH IT!!!  That’s the best part because then I get to see it all puff up and really look like a quilt. You will see I could not resist putting in one red bordered block. The next time you see it, it will be bound, washed, and ready to give to my wonky 43 year old son...Eloise’s daddy. What you wanna bet Eloise claims it??????? His birthday is the 18th of March. 

I had some blocks left over so am toying with the idea of adding them here and there to the backing. I used some of the chicken fabric to add width to the back so was thinking the 3 chickens might add a bit more whimsey.  Let me know what you think.


  1. yup, i like the random touches to the back, too. :)

  2. Whoop, Whoop! What a project you have there. It is beautiful.

  3. Those chickens are so cute. I love the back!

  4. YES!!! Do it! The blocks on the back really add a special touch that looks fabulous. Great quilt. :)
    Carole, Fresh off the Frame

  5. That is an incredible piece of work. Well done!

  6. you need for red square - neat design. you are so creative, Genie. keep having a ball. ( :

  7. Love the chickens. The back definitely needs the extra chicken blocks.

  8. Oh, yes, add to the back! I love backs to be something other than plain. I don't even care if it is totally un-related to the front. In fact, sometimes I really like to turn one over and get a real surprise. But then I like like this...where the front visits the back.

  9. Oh, I love it, Genie! And the chickens on the back are perfect - throw those extra blocks on there!! Whoop whoop!!
