

Friday, November 9, 2012

My First Mosaic from Scratch :-)


Today I took a break from my Round Trip class with Kim Klassen, and went back to my Beyond Layers class because she was teaching us how to created our own mosaic in PSE10. It was a toughie for me...whether to use the cropping tool or the move tool...very confusing. You will note the middle shot of Eloise is a bit I left it in so I could refer back to it. The splotches of blue could be darker, too, but I wanted that first one to be just the way it was without a lot of tweaking. The other pictures I managed to resize and they look OK to me. It is pretty exciting for me to think I have finally created my own mosaic. I never, never thought I would be able to do it.

We are leaving in a few minutes for Marathon Man and moi to head for Richmond. Tomorrow is the BIG day...his first marathon at 60. I am fretting and worrying, but he promises he will call if cannot make it. Keep your toes and fingers crossed that all goes well and he gets to finish. No matter what, he is still a winner in my mind. Will try to get some photos up of the big occasion. 30 degrees when it starts and 60 degrees at the end. Y'all have a wonderful weekend.


  1. good luck, dear buddy!!! crazy man!

  2. Marathon Man is indeed a winner just for going out and trying. Wishing him lots of luck! Congrats on creating the mosaic.

  3. Best of Luck Buddy in the Race. Lovely Mosiac - I think you did a great job Genie!

  4. Nice job, another one of those classes that i missed.
