

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Patchwork of Love

Grandma's heart is a Patchwork of Love.
~Author Unknown

This post is linked with Wordless Wednesday


  1. Beautiful photo, I like that sincere love!

  2. What a wonderful sweet picture of the two of you.

  3. Darling photos Genie, especially the first one.

  4. Yes...very sweet!!! Made me smile! THANK YOU for sharing.

  5. I miss my grandmother - she's been gone over 20 years.
    Enjoy every moment with her!
    Please come link up at

  6. So nice! You and Eloise have the same beautiful smile!

  7. Hi There- welcome back kiddo. Eloise has grown into such a lovely young lady. Hi sweetie. I have missed you and was so happy to see your post. I am also just getting back, due to lengthily list of stuff and cleaning up from flood that hit our town. The "I'm not a robot" thing.....most people do not even use it. I hardly ever pick. It works either way, so don't know why they put it on blogger. Perhaps your version of blogger is the original one for "the robot thing" came with update. I like the olde version better. It would still be nice to see you arrive in my driveway one day. Is Buddy still running....I am thinking yes. Have a wonderful day Genie and so nice to see you back. I also love the patched together house filled with love..

  8. aww, you two are too cute!! love the house. i agree ... i am happy you are back to posting again. i have missed ya so. hope you are doing well. keep us posted. please. ( :

  9. I saw this before we left for a little getaway...I thought I had commented but thought I would check and glad I did...I love this. Love the picture of the two of you. Love the it all.
