

Thursday, June 21, 2012

It’s Skywatch Friday and the Sky is Missing

Always before I have posted skies which were blue or blue with clouds.This day it was totally gray with no sky visible, and up there in the mountains you felt like you were in another time and place. The gray which usually is dull and not much to look at today took on a totally different aura. It was magical.

 Point of Departure up on the Blue Ridge Parkway ~ Rainy and Chilly

That pack was so heavy (30 lbs)...maybe because of all the rain gear, tent, food, etc. How he carries it I do not know. He only weighs 130 lbs. 

 Off He Goes

 Sometimes putting him on the trail is hard...especially when it is weather like this.

 Almost To the Trail
He turned around to give me that final wave.

My Last Shot~On the Trail

This post is linked with "Skywatch Friday.”


  1. Wow, I admire him. Good going Buddy!

  2. Great send off!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Trekking in such a weather? Wow. He must be brave!

  4. Wow, he is a brave one. How long will he be gone. Hope it all goes well. Do you still have the grandsons.

  5. Looks like a big storm too, and you capture them well!

  6. My goodness, that must be such a tough hike with all that weight! I love the wonderful mist in these photographs, Genie.

  7. What a guy indeed! Looks a lot like Seattle! And yet, even though I get tired of it, there is a beauty!! Terrific captures!


  8. Fog does sometimes make lovely photos like these. Good capture!
    I'm not sure if it was on The Blue Ridge Parkway or Skyline Drive, but once we were driving in fog so thick that all you could see was a short section of the yellow line! We just crept along until suddenly we were below the fog. Scary!
    Blessings and Safe Return to him!
    Lea's Menagerie

  9. great captures telling a story...hope he had a camera with him

  10. The landscape looks wonderful, very invigorating but Buddy looks so lonely entering the huge woods....
    He must like the adventure very much.

  11. Captured beautifully!!

    Sky Shots at my page, come and see. Have a great weekend.

  12. Bad weather can make for beautiful shots! These are wonderful!

  13. It's looking so grey and wet ... These shots could have been made in the Netherlands, where it was grey like this yesterday.

  14. I hope it's a happy hike for him.

  15. OK, so now I am wondering - has Buddy gone off hiking ALONE? I do hope he had a pal there somewhere. Excellent that he goes in this type of weather and not even waiting for the sun to shine. Nice Photos and happy hiking.

  16. As long as Duddy is happy! Your feelings are in the pics, Genie! Don't worry too much:)

  17. Great shots, mist has that magical feel to it!

  18. Good hiking Buddy -- and good waiting to you! I expect the mist keeps it a little cooler, maybe?

  19. I wish you'd put a link on FB to your new Blog posts. I never keep up with blogs anymore but I'd love to see your new additions. Such great and interesting photos.

  20. Life is an adventure! It's great to see people running towards it, instead of away...
