

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Beginning

This is where my love for sewing and handwork began. My mother made all of my clothes, and she was determined I would learn to sew and knit as a young child. She gave me this Singer for my 7th birthday , and it was on this little crank machine that it all began. 
It still works but has some rust. Still, it is one of my "treasures'" 
and would have many stories to tell if it could just talk.

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  1. Beautiful mosaic and what a creative photo topic ~

    Carol of: (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  2. Never seen a machine like that one. Neat!

  3. wow! i can honestly say i've never seen this type of sewing machine before. my mom had the foot pedal in the cabinet model, but i've never seen a crank! SOOO cool!

  4. I also loved the mosaic and what an interesting topic to get the Monday morning juices flowing :)

  5. What a gem! I have never seen a hand crank.
    I have an old foot treadle machine sitting right next to my fancy pants Husqvarna. Still use it, just 'cause.

  6. What a treasure, and I'm sure it holds the memories of many hours of labour and even, perhaps, a lot of fun.

  7. I have my mother's old Singer Feather's almost as old as I am -- 64! Still running like a dream. I keep it on the boat for piecing quilts, 'cause it's small and compact and wonderful. Have fun sewing up dreams.

  8. What a little beauty...would love one for Lorelei. If I knew you liked to sew, I had forgotten it. I don't knit or crochet, but sure love to sew. I show stuff I make at my Pics & Pieces blog...not that I get so terrible much made...but I am always thinking about quilting.

  9. What a great piece of history to share.

  10. Now, that is an oldie! I had a treadle Singer handed down to me as a child but I didn't use it much and never learned to sew.
    Your mosaic is nice in showing the machine from all angles.

  11. That's a beautiful machine. I love sewing, too.

    P.S. There is a new host to Skywatch Friday. Stay tuned!

  12. What a cool sewing machine! It looks so small though. I guess it was made for small hands if you were only 7 when you got it. Very cool.

  13. I learned how to sew on an old Singer with a knee peddle!!!

  14. Wow, what a cool sewing machine. And nice memories of your Mom! Great mosaic, have a happy week!

  15. This is a very nice sewing machine. I think made for a child? I only know the some bigger ones. I have used this handmachines too as a youngster. They look beautiful don't they?

  16. Absolutely beautiful pictures! I remember a similar sewing machine from my childhood ...

  17. Back then you could order a small sewing machine for your child. My Mom also had one, which still sits in my Sister's house - a relic for sure. Singer was one heck of a quality brand - don't make em like that anymore. Great Photos - brought back some wonderful memories.

  18. oh amazing! what a cute little thing! I learnt to sew on my mother's Singer Treadle machine. It has been promised to me, and no doubt I will have it to treasure in my home someday soon.
    Have wonderful week. I am linking up to you through Mosaic Monday.

  19. What an awesome keepsake...first time seeing one like this...My Grandmom had a peddle singer back in the day!

  20. Oh, how lovely - a vintage child's sewing machine!! I hope you're taking good care of it!

    My mother sewed most of our clothes on a Singer hand-cranked machine, but then she had a motor added so she could go faster! I still have a couple of the older machines somewhere.

  21. Oh what a treasure!I have an antique treadle machine.

  22. What an absolutely beautiful old machine! You've really done a great job capturing its character.

  23. that is a beauty! I love old stuff, especially old mechanical stuff...

  24. They are such beautiful machines! I never have sewed at all, but we had Bill's grandmother's old Singer (much like this one) in the den in our home in Oregon (before we sold out)...our daughter has it now. Lovely photos.
