

Monday, February 20, 2012


If someone needs an expert to mess up their Apple computer, then I am the on to call. My iPhoto library on the MacBook Pro went bonkers this afternoon while I was trying to drag one event into another, and all 9,000 photos are now OUT of their events and helter skelter in iPhoto. Well, the saga does not end here... there is more bag news. I then went to the big iMac and the same thing happened there, but this time it was 22,000 photos helper skelter in one event instead of 100 or so events. Again, many photos are missing. Have been on line with Apple Care for hours, and we are going to continue trying to start back tomorrow after I get home from school to reconstruct my iPhoto on both computers. Wish me luck because I am going to need it! The part that really upsets me is this was our first foot of gorgeous snow and I was out as the sun was coming up photographing this morning and then again this afternoon, and all of the shots are gone. Being my silly self I froze myself half to death making a snow angel “selfie”. It is nowhere to be found, either. So, now I am off to bed totally frustrated and furious with myself as it had to be me and not the computers. As soon as I am up and running I will go back to commenting on your photos.


  1. oh, genie! good luck! i HATE technology woes!!!

  2. someone else had something happen to their apple stuff last weekend and she was able to locate all of her stuff 'in the cloud'. not sure if this could apply to you or not...

  3. Good luck! I'm not computer savvy at all and fear losing all my pics and writing. I keep all on a backup drive or whatever it's called.

  4. I hope for the best. Tomorrow is a new day :)

  5. I hope for the best! Tomorrow is a new day :)

  6. oh dear, I don´t envy you. Are the shots all one or relocated?

    Don´t you have a backup? I have two external hard drives where I backup my stuff. Good luck! I hope you fix it.

  7. Oh that is really bad, I am afraid I can't help you, but I feel very sorry for you, if that is a help... Hope the Apple Store can help you, wish you all the best.

  8. Oh my, that %$#&*s!

    As one already mentioned, backups are recommended. It is not a question of 'if' it will happen, but 'when' it will happen.

    Hopefully you'll recover your data, then create a backup.

  9. Not sounding good. Just maybe you will be able to find those photos. Hope the Apple people can help you. ((((((HUGS)))))

  10. I'm crossing my fingers for you Genie. Hope all goes well.
