

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Signs, Signs ~ 9-14-11

 Getting Ready for the Virginia Beach Marathon
Thank goodness for the Elite Seats Port-a-Johns.

Guess this is Mr. Elite lowering one of the facilitles...

There were several getting lowered from the back of this truck...

 Lots of Elite Seats....

Lots more Elite Seats......

And we have what I think is one of the Elite Seats Sucker Uppers!

After the intensity of the weekend and the memories and memorials to 9-11, 
I thought I’d post these shots for a bit of brevity.

"Brevity is the soul of wit.”
~William Shakespeare

This post is linked to Lesley’s Signs, Signs.


  1. OMG this is too funny!!

    excuse me, I'll be right back...

  2. Okay, you have me smiling big time. Love the post. Can't imagine every considering a port-a-potty as an Elite Seat!

  3. It's a crappy job but someone has to do it.

  4. LOL...I would have not thought about taking pictures of these porta potty!
    You made it fun though..

  5. Hi hi hi! What a job! But someone has to do that and if I depended on such a job for a living I guess I would do it!
    Thanks for sharing, Genie;o)

    Have a nice and happy day****

    ps: about your comment on the soldier statue: yes, the statue is there as a remembrance of WWI, and there's a military cemetery at the feet of the hill at about 2km of my place.

  6. The name is pretty funny! Nice signs. :)

  7. Brought a smile to my face! Here in Eugene, those used to be called "Buck's" because the guy who owned the company was named that. Always thought that was kind of an odd way for your name to "go down" in history.

  8. Too funny... for my elite fanny... :-D
