

Thursday, October 29, 2015


About 8 or 9 years ago I rescued this kitty from the dumpsters. He was skinny and so frail. We names him Trouble with a capital T. I put out fresh water for him every morning and there is water on the floor for the dog, but NO. He has to drink from the john. WHY?????? Cats definitely have minds of their own. He is Buddy’s cat, and if anyone comes for a visit you never see the whites of his eyes. He puts up with me, but he LOVES Buddy.

“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.”
~Ernest Hemmingway

This post is linked with Camera Critters and Saturday’s Critters.


  1. Ha! What a great shot! Silly kitty. :-) I have two bowls of water I keep fresh for our cat, but she usually prefers just one - or the dog water bowls. Silly and lovable creatures.

  2. That's why I keep the lid down. Sinbad sits on the counter waiting for me to turn on the water to brush my teeth or the like. He's just got to have the water running out from the faucet. "Do you mind?!"

  3. Seems like the females here always love Roger best, but they still like me. It is just that he is their first choice. And Bubbie just likes everyone, likes to sit by Roger, but wants in my lap...sometimes every night, but then might go 4 or 5 days. But, he goes out, and comes back in...and soon as he gets in, he stops in front of whoever lets him in, and waits to be petted a few strokes. If you don't pet him, he tries to herd you to make you stop, or will nip at legs or feet...not really biting, but letting you feel his teeth.

  4. I have two bowls, too, but he prefer my mug:)

  5. Hehe We had a cat that did that, too. I was annoyed that I couldn't leave cleaner in the water but she was worth it.

  6. Lets hope he does not loose his grip. ;))

  7. LOL! Who knows why cats do what they do. Have a great weekend!

  8. I am laughing out loud! What a silly kitty!!

  9. Funny kitty drinking out of the toilet. I thought dogs do this.

  10. This sounds very familiar to me. We have a cat that came from a cat breeder (a man) and she is completely dedicated to my husband and doesn't seem to see me as a friend. Don't know why, I have always had cats around and always had a loving bond with them, but this one seems to see me as a scary woman. She also drunk from the toilet pot sometimes.

  11. LOL, in the past I have caught my old dogs drinking from the toilet too. They did have water bowls. Great capture of Trouble, caught in the act. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  12. I would hardly have believed it but there he is quenching his thirst from a toilet bowl! Cats do the funniest things!
    Happy weekend!

  13. That's why the lid is down at our house!
    Now the cats love to drink from the dog's water bowl. And their own water is just as fresh!
    Have a great day!

  14. Now have you trained him to put the lid down Geni? Have a lovely weekend.

  15. Fantastic photo for critters ~ too funny ~ Precious!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  16. Our cat drinks the puddles that form on the bottom of the shower! Crazy beasts!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  17. Too funny!!
    We keep the lid down so our Augie can't do that :-}}

  18. Too funny!!
    We keep the lid down so our Augie can't do that :-}}

  19. Cats are peculiar but wonderful creatures. They do have their own ways!

  20. Great photo! We have four of them currently and have had several more. I love cats more than people I think.
    We have two who really likes to drink out of the toilet, one does it just like yours, but the other does it a little differently. He stands next to it, dips his paw in, and licks the water off.
