

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Two Silos and a Tree

The barns on this farm are being used, but it appears that these silos are not. What I found interesting was they are brick and are the first I have seen since becoming a part of Tricia’s Barn Charm.

This post is linked with Tricia’s "Barn Charm.”


  1. Beautiful! I love old silos and barns. Lovely texture gives it a real old touch.

  2. Bricks! I say dismantle them and build a great looking patio. LOL No really... if they are just standing there unused, why not dismantle them and put them to use? They are charming.

  3. Great photo. I'm generally not overly fond of textures but this one is nice.

  4. this is so pretty genie! i love the softness of it, kind of a romantic look, how perfect for valentine's day!

  5. Gorgeous composition and texture work.

  6. Excellent post-processing for this photo.

    Regards and best wishes

  7. It needs a friend to pass the days out there all alone!

    Nice texture work

    Thanks for joining =)

  8. Brick! How cool. Love the colors and textures this neat shot.

  9. Is that a tree growing out of the silo?!
    I love brick silos and wish they could be repurposed to something useful when they have served their old purpose.

  10. I like what you done with them...

  11. Great old silo. It looks like an oil painting.

  12. That's was such a sweet comment you left & I had to swing by & say Thank You, you're too kind! =)

  13. Genie I think this is a lovely capture. Silos are so cool. Your texture makes a very soft summer-like lazy country afternoon picture. Your picture makes me want to sit out in that field with a book and dream the afternoon away!

  14. Great photo and texture. It looks like a painting. I've never seen brick silo's either and I live in the middle farming land. I'll have to ask some of my farming friends about the brick....

  15. Beautiful photo! Love the soft, dreamy texture and the muted colors. Silos are awesome!

  16. I like how the one tree appears to be growing out of the top of the silo!
    I pass a similiar one on my way to and from wok each day. There are no other buildings remaining--just this brick silo on a hill. One day hopefully I'll be able to get a picture of it.
    You've done an awesome job showing it off---this looks more like a painting than a photograph!:>)

  17. Love the old silo standing there in all its glory. Nice processing

  18. I love the old silos, too bad most of them aren't used any more! Great photo!

  19. I bet once upon a time there was an old barn BESIDE that silo, which is now gone and all that remains in the brick silo, and not even the roof of that!

  20. ...looks like Keetha has the same thought as me. I bet there used to be a barn long ago right next to these two grand silos.

  21. Wonderful! There is a painterly quality to this shot, Genie.

  22. wow, thank you for sharing with us at barn charm. so pretty. i wonder where the barn is ... don't they usually have silos near the barns? or is there a reason for the lack of barn? (:

  23. LOVE LOVE LOVE. What an story this barn/silo could tell. What filters did you use on this? I like it!
