

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Outdoor Wednesday from West Virginia

A Saturday hike through the Cranberry Bogs/Glades in West Virginia. 
We call these "cotton puffs,”  but I am not sure what the correct name is for them. The blog flowers were not in bloom, and the birds were few, but the watery bogs and all of the trees, ferns and other ground plants were a true treat for the eyes. We were on a boardwalk from beginning to end so that was really nice for me.

"See everything; overlook a great deal; correct a little. “
 ~Pope John XXIII

This post is linked with Ruby Tuesday and Outdoor Wednesday .



  1. Beautiful pictures! My mom was born in WV and I have never been. It's fun to visit it through your blog.

  2. so there's water under there?! i kept thinking you were pulling our leg! :)

  3. These are beautiful. What a lovely place to hike. The first picture looks like quilt work with the brilliant red patches. "Cotton puffs" look cool and a nice boardwalk to walk on. Very nice.

  4. Gorgeous Genie, and that first shot is a stunner!

  5. Incredible pictures! I love the changing of the trees in fall...Marlee

  6. May be you should harvest those organic cotton puffs. I was reading Dr. Mercola and how he discussed all those feminine products that we poor women have to endure. He said the commercial ones were not made of cotton, and he had natural cotton products. And today, I see your cotton puffs.

    The ship Rena is is a worst shape, containers are falling apart and landing on the beach.

  7. Wonderful images, but I absolutely love the boardwalk shot! =)

  8. This post and the one below give a beautiful picture of your wonderful world. I like "hike" on boardwalks -- and it really is the only way Bill can walk very far on some days.

  9. I love cranberry bogs, and these are splendid. I love how you've made the photos look vintage. really nice Genie. the colors are beautiful. happy week to you.

  10. wow, the first photo is a gorgeous! I don't think we have that kind of scenery here in TX...summer is not over here!

    thanks for dropping by and for leaving a wonderful comment...much appreciated!

  11. Beautiful shots. Especially the first one

  12. So beautiful!The fall is the greatest season with all the fantastic coulors.

  13. Wonderful photos and special colors. Very romantic. Lovely !

  14. What a beautiful walk! Sounds like my kind of place. The leves up here are at their peak, bu today we're in for rain :~(
    Yes the Yankees failed us, and I'm so sad. Grandy was my new best friend, since he began with the Erie Seawolves, only 25 miles from us...I go into baseball withdrawl at this time of the year, and am too counting the days till spring training, but it will be a long winter.
    Thanks for the kind words, and I'll try to stop by more often.
    Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  15. These are beautiful Fall shots!

  16. Excellent landscape with autumn colors, all wonderful, I love to walk down that road.

  17. Glad you're back! These are nice landscape shots. Love the smattering of red trees on the hill. :)

  18. WoW, Genie, kinda looks like you are in my backyard with that first photo. So nice to see the changing of the leaves in someone else's backyard. Stunning and beautiful
    Thankyou so much for sharing :)

  19. gorgeous landscape, well framed and shot.

  20. That first photo is so colorful! Lovely, Genie. :)

  21. I've been missing this blog of yours, great shots. I'm now a follower of this one. The landscape of your area is phenomenol, the love all the orange trees and the boardwalk.

  22. Wonderful shots!
    The first one looks like a painting!
    Thanks for sharing, Genie;o)

    Have a great time * Hugs***
